Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hi, it's me

So it's been about a year since my last post. That's no good. We bought a home about an hour away and all my energy has been focused on the house and work. The drive to work has been really hard, but I'm hoping to transfer out to the Inland Empire in a few months. So needless to say, no training for me. I have really missed it. Fortunately walking the dogs 3-6 miles a day, keeps me in some sort of shape.

Still, I miss the feeling of a good run or long bike ride, so it's time to re-prioritize. I am going to sign up for a half marathon in May. There's one on May 3rd in Irvine. So, that's it. I'm signing up and there will be no turning back. This morning I took the dogs out and ran about 1.8 miles. The only issue is, my new neighborhood is all hills, straight up and straight down. It's hard on the knees and shins. So on weekends, I will have to drive to another location for my long runs.

I'm excited and I already feel better.

Oh, here are some photos of the house. We love it!